TEST ONLY *Z1A The Human Figure in World Art

TEST ONLY *Z1A The Human Figure in World Art

Art & Music | Available (Membership Required)

Class Limit: 70
9:00 AM-10:30 AM on Th

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TEST ONLY *Z1A The Human Figure in World Art

Art & Music | Available (Membership Required)

This course will examine the ways that the human figure has been represented in art from around the world. It will include images from Europe, West Asia (the Middle East), Africa, South Asia (particularly India), East Asia (specifically China and Japan), pre-Columbian America, Latin America, and the United States. Except for the lectures on European art, the course is not chronological, except within some of the presentations. Instead, it attempts to be representative of the variety of ways in which the human figure has been depicted around the world over the centuries.

  • Image courtesy of Shutterstock
Moreno-Lacalle, José
José Moreno-Lacalle

José Moreno-LaCalleMA, taught advanced placement (AP) art history for seven years at the Lenox School, a private school in Manhattan. On several occasions, he took his art history students on trips to Europe. He also taught history courses covering Europe, Asia, Africa, and pre-Columbian America. He later worked for Sotheby's auction house for 16 years.

Fleckman, Fern
Fern Fleckman
