2C Armchair Travel: Finding Awe in Penn's Woods

Armchair Travel | Available (Membership Required)

Monday, March 3, 2025 (one day)
4:00 PM-5:15 PM on Th

2C Armchair Travel: Finding Awe in Penn's Woods

Armchair Travel | Available (Membership Required)

BILL members -- join Suzann Schiemer and Ron Haas for an Armchair Travel slideshow: Finding Awe in Penn’s Woods

Recent research finds that experiencing the feeling of awe in a natural environment plays a positive role in our health and well-being. Pennsylvania offers numerous year-round opportunities for awesome nature-based adventures near and far. This program will acquaint you with local parks, state parks, state forests, state game lands, national park sites, heritage areas, and other natural areas in Penn’s Woods in which to experience awe.


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  • The BILL Armchair Travel slideshows are a special learning opportunity available exclusively to current members. Attendance at the program acknowledges your belief that your BILL membership is current. If it is not, your membership will be renewed for you ($65) after the event. Thank you for understanding.