644 Memoir: From Memory to Meaning
Class | FULL (Membership Required)
What was your first day of school like? Where did you go to feel safe when you were young? Who said NO to you when you were a child? Can you recall an adventure you had with an animal? Who is sitting quietly on the edge of your memory, waiting for you to remember her or him?
Your feet have taken you to many places. My goal with this course is to offer you the opportunity to own your own life, to remember the strengths you have and the memories you carry. I am most interested in story and helping people find their own: your story, your memories, your meaning.
Prompts and techniques will be offered weekly. Classes will include opportunities for sharing, but always as an option. Whether you are new to memoir or an experienced writer, you are invited to join us on this journey.
Rachael Hungerford
RACHAEL HUNGERFORD is professor emerita and retired chair of the education department at Lycoming College, where she also was a lecturer in women's studies. Every course she taught included a strong writing component. She is a certified Journal to the Self instructor and has led workshops at women's retreats, YWCAs, The Salvation Army, and Diakon counseling services. Over the past ten years, she has also conducted writing workshops at Penn Tech, the public library in Wellsboro and the James V. Brown Library in Williamsport. She continues to meet weekly in her home with a long-running writing group.