What does it take to experience a sense of well-being? Psychologists, therapists, researchers, writers, and anyone else who likes to think about “why people are the way they are,” have tried to answer this question for years. So, let’s get into it!
In this course, we will explore the five basic elements of well-being, as described by Dr. Martin Seligman, a pioneer in the field of positive psychology. We will look at these elements from the perspective of research evidence, but also in terms of our own experiences. We will explore the role of:
1) positive emotion,
2) engagement,
3) relationships,
4) meaning, and
5) achievement.
Each class will include both lecture material and discussion. Lectures will present findings from the research literature about each of the aforementioned elements of well-being. Students will be encouraged to think about their views on these findings and to discuss how these findings may or may not relate to their own life experiences.