Amplify your Golf Game

Amplify your Golf Game

Class | Available (Membership Required)

100 Thomas Green Blvd Clemson, SC 29631 United States



Wednesday, May 15, 2024-Wednesday, May 22, 2024

3:00 PM-4:30 PM on Wed



Whether new to golf or are a seasoned player, join in on this interactive course where exercise meets the golf swing. Learn from movement specialist and avid golfer, Dr. Elisa Turner will take participants through a movement evaluation and provide instruction on exercises to keep golfers moving well both on and off the course. Objectives include gaining an understanding of the importance of mobility, strength, and power within the golf swing; discovering the benefits of recovery through rest, hydration and nutrition; understanding the benefits of proper warm up and realizing the lifelong benefits of golf and why continuing to work on the game leads to better-quality golf and a better quality of life.

Elisa Turner owns AMP Physical Therapy and Performance in Clemson, SC with her husband. She is passionate about helping people with their physical therapy and personal wellness needs.