Gardening Like a Painter

Gardening Like a Painter

Class | Available (Membership Required)

100 Thomas Green Blvd Clemson, SC 29631 United States



Wednesday, June 5, 2024-Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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This presentation will feature photographs of the Pendleton garden developed by Tom Pellett over a two year period. Tom will be presenting elements of design and color theory as they relate to garden design. Using plants suitable for the Upstate, he will show how these can be arranged for the best visual effect. The first session will focus on planting design for sunny sites. The second session will focus on planting design for shady sites. A question and answer period will be included at the end of both classes.

As a professional garden designer for 45 years, Tom Pellett designed gardens in Austin, Greensboro, Memphis, north Mississippi and east Arkansas. He has been filling sketchbooks for more than 50 years and painting with watercolors for about 25 years.Tom’s gardens have been featured in several books and periodicals. His bachelor’s degree came from the California College of Art.