250 Years: The Declaration of Independence

250 Years: The Declaration of Independence

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Zoom Virtual Classroom Zoom Virtual Classroom, SC 00000 United States
Zoom Virtual Classroom
Thursday, February 6, 2025-Thursday, February 20, 2025
10:00 AM-11:30 AM on Th

250 Years: The Declaration of Independence

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Two hundred and fifty years ago the instrument to break from rule by a King and Parliament was written to create a noble experiment in democracy and rule by the people in the American colonies. It has stood the test of time with wars and civil strife. The signers pledged their lives, their fortunes, and scared honor. Many lost everything during the Revolution. We will look at 1776 the musical and movie as well. Join us in celebration of the Declaration. Suggested reading is The Declaration pocket size, The Signers: the 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence, Rescuing the Declaration of Independence, and Signing Their Lives Away.

Russ Hutchins is a retired public school administrator. He holds an Ed.S. in school administration from Pittsburg State University, Kansas, and teaches for OLLI at The University of Kansas, OLLI at The University of West Virginia, and CALL at the College of Charleston.

Russ Hutchins