Helping Kids Succeed in Providence Public Schools
Zoom Video Conference | This program is completed
Do you enjoy helping kids learn? Here’s a two-hour Zoom program to help you decide if you would like to join other Lifelong Learning Collaborative members in helping students at Veazie Street School improve their reading or math skills.
The session will describe the process of working with learning coaches and teachers at the school, including an explanation of what is involved in meeting with small groups of students in grades 2 through 5, to help them build skills. You will gain insights into paying attention to different learning styles and the importance of social/emotional learning. There is a concise and clear instruction booklet for everyone who completes the program and guidance on completing the necessary forms to take part as a tutor at the school.
Norma Rossi Mead
Norma Rossi Mead was head of marketing and public relations for a health care system, community college, and corporate and nonprofit organizations. She has served as a volunteer tutor and facilitator/trainer for adult learners and is the founder of the LLC Tutoring Program at the Veazie Street School.
Janice Golden
Janice Golden is an experienced lifelong educator who worked with children through adults in her career. Janice founded and led a preschool program for 40 years. She has also tutored adults and designed curriculum for children.