Scrabble Social Club
Class | Available (Membership Required)
Do you have fond memories of playing Scrabble in your past? Now is your chance to get back in the game. Are you someone who has always loved the game but doesn’t have people to play with? With this group, you’ll be guaranteed two games per week with different people each week. All levels are welcome.
Format: LLC provides boards and Scrabble dictionaries. Players draw a colored stick to determine where to sit. This allows us to get to know each other better. You don’t need to attend every week, but you do need to RSVP to the weekly email, so we know whether to expect you. Please plan to arrive around 3 PM to help us get set up so we can begin play by 3:15. Tracey and other past players will be on hand for rules clarification and other questions. Those who wish to may gather afterwards at a nearby restaurant for dinner and conversation.
Resources/Expenses: All supplies are provided. There are no expenses.
Tracey Zeckhausen
Tracey Zeckhausen is a retired P.R. professional and active volunteer who has loved the game of Scrabble since she was old enough to spell. She has been coordinating the group for the past several sessions.