Israel: A Nation Reborn
Zoom Video Conference | Available (Membership Required)
The rebirth of Israel has resulted in the most successful nation state to emerge in the post-World War II era. We will review a half century process and the competing visions of a Jewish homeland, culminating in an area of settlement (Yishuv), declaring its independence on May 14, 1948, as the State of Israel. The focus will be on the challenges that characterize Israel’s multicultural citizenry as it has developed a unique judiciary sensitive to a multi-religious community, a modern universal health care delivery system, an impressive military, cooperative living arrangements, world class academic centers and a global reputation for creativity (“Start-Up Nation”). Additionally, we will consider the impact of the armed conflicts and treaties that have shaped today’s Middle East.
Format: Class members will give presentations and lead discussions on topics related to the evolution of the nation as they seek to develop an understanding of the State and the Israeli people.
Resources/Expenses: Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn by Daniel Gordis is available in paperback on Amazon and other online sources for about $15. Additional paperback recommendations are The Zionist Idea by Arthur Hertzberg and The Israel-Arab Reader edited by Walter Laqueur and Dan Schueftan.
John Adams
John Adams is retired from the US Army as a Brigadier General, having served thirty years on active duty, and is a newcomer to Providence and LLC.
Stephen Kaplan
Stephen Kaplan is a retired academic physician/professor with a lifelong interest in history who previously coordinated LLC courses relating to Jewish history and literature.