The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique

Class | CLASS FULL - Email to be added to the waitlist.

70 Orchard Avenue Providence, RI 02906 United States
1:00 PM-2:15 PM on Tue

The Alexander Technique

Class | CLASS FULL - Email to be added to the waitlist.

The Alexander Technique is a form of self-care that addresses posture, balance and pain relief. It teaches you to think about how you move and carry yourself with the least amount of strain. You don’t need any particular physical skills for this class, just an open and curious mind.

Format: There will be discussion, question and answer time, and learning Alexander ‘directions’ that apply to how you sit (at a computer, in front of the TV, with a book), walk and do other daily activities. You will be asked to be aware of some of your movements during the week.

Resources/Expenses: Mara will provide the names of some Alexander books, links to articles and YouTube videos you may wish to review. There will be an optional lying-down section each week that requires a yoga mat or towel.

Participation in this class is at your own risk. Registrants will receive a waiver to sign upon registration. Look for the waiver link in your registration confirmation email.

Mara Sokolsky

Mara Sokolsky came to the Alexander Technique because of chronic lower back pain. She trained in London at the School of Alexander Studies from 1977-1980. She has had private practices in Boston, New York and now Providence. She has lectured about the Alexander Technique at Massachusetts General Hospital, Tufts Dental School, Mt. Sinai Medical School and the Miriam Hospital.

Rosalind Moulton

Roz Moulton is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique. She graduated in 1991 from the three-year teacher training program at the American Center for the Alexander Technique in New York City. Roz taught individual lessons and group classes in New York and New Jersey. She currently teaches the Alexander Technique in Warren, Rhode Island. Roz is also a former modern dancer and choreographer.