Dig Deeper - Civil War Tales
Class | Available (Membership Required)
Ron Meeks has been an American Civil War student for approximately 65 years! He has visited more than 50 Civil War Battlefields, read approximately 200 non-fiction books on the subject, researched the history of numerous historical places and people from that era and taken every opportunity to expand his Civil War knowledge and experiences. He became genuinely interested in studying the war when his family moved two doors down the street from the home of the famous abolitionist John Brown. The property that Ron’s house was located on was also part of the Brown property prior to the Civil War. Across the street was another museum honoring another famous individual named Simon Perkins from the pre-Civil War era. Ron was given free access to both museums, so he spent many hours in and around those museums. Ron will share his history and invites the audience to join in the discussions.