Let's Go Hiking!

Interest Group | Available (Membership Required)

10:00 AM-2:00 PM CST on Sat

Let's Go Hiking!

Interest Group | Available (Membership Required)

There are dozens of good destinations for walks and hikes near Champaign-Urbana, and this group will explore them. Members of this Group meet at a prearranged spot for carpooling and drive to the trailhead for each hike. Usually, there will be a short warmup hike in the morning followed by a brownbag lunch or a local restaurant meal, then a longer hike in the afternoon (on hot summer days, the longer hike can be done in the morning). Total distance walked each day will usually be 2 to 6 miles. The most remote hiking destinations might be to Starved Rock State Park (two hours north) and Turkey Run State Park (two hours east).

At least one hike per month will be scheduled, more in spring and fall with good weather. We can begin with “third Saturdays” of each month. As the Group develops, dates and arrangements can change; it’s up to the Group members! Since weather is a factor, rain dates can be announced for each hike.

Leader: Fred Christensen
Co-leaders: Isabel Cole, Walter Hurley