Writing on Paper, Sharing on Stage
Stillwater | Registration opens 1/8/2025 12:00 AM CST
In this class, we'll generate spontaneous writing in any form and genre using computer-generated prompts and photographs. We’ll write one of our own life stories and create a group performance piece from that work. The writing process, sharing our writing, working together on a performance piece, and performing for our friends and families is intended to build creative expression and have fun. No acting experience is required, and not everyone is required to perform. Laptop or tablet with a keyboard is recommended for writing.
Shiitake Mama
Shiitake Mama, Ph.D., formerly Sandra Dutreau Perky Williams, was an assistant professor of Theatre at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. For more than 30 years she was a Theatre Artist in Residence with the Oklahoma Arts Council. She has taught and directed plays across the state, including at Town & Gown Community Theatre in Stillwater. Dr. Mama was the stage director for the OSU Student Union Madrigal Concert Dinners for 35 years. Afraid of making mistakes and looking foolish, she avoided improv for decades until she went to a workshop and had the most fun ever as an adult. She is also an award-winning writer and editor, an international volunteer mushroom-farmer trainer and is known online as "The Mushroom Lady."