Tell Your Story
Tulsa | Registration opens 1/8/2025 12:00 AM CST
Your story matters. This course will take you through the steps to create a digital album complete with the life-shaping events, milestones and key points in the over-arching story of a person’s life. We will discuss how to include photos along with the stories. It will be a treasure, not only for generations to come, but for you. A script will guide you in your writing and make it simple to complete this story of yours, a living relative or even an ancestor’s life.
Lisa Kirkley
Lisa Kirkley is the owner and founder of Photo Solutions Forever, where she helps clients preserve photographs and other media. She earned her B.S. in Education at the University of Tulsa and her M.Ed. at Northeastern State University. She is a retired teacher and reading specialist having taught all grade levels including the university at Langston and Northeastern State. Her passion of teaching combined with her hobby of memory keeping came together when she started helping people tell their stories and preserve their photographs.