W05M Athenaeum Book Club (Hybrid/In-Person)

In-Person | Available (Membership Required)

11:15 AM-12:45 PM EDT on Mon

W05M Athenaeum Book Club (Hybrid/In-Person)

In-Person | Available (Membership Required)

[NEW CONTENT] We will read and discuss two books this winter term: Knife (January) and The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store (March). Please come to this peer-led class having read each book so we can have meaningful discussions.  Enrollment Limit: 35  Discussion, Reading

  • *This registration item is HYBRID/IN-PERSON, which means that you can attend either in-person or via Zoom.*

  • Required Texts: Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder by Salman Rushdie, ISBN 0593730240 and The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store: A Novel by James McBride, ISBN 0593422945. Both books are available from the Monroe County Library.

Maureen Murphy

Maureen Murphy is a retired social worker, community activist, and avid reader who especially enjoys Osher classes in the arts.

Lois Tucker

Lois Tucker is a retired counselor, avid reader, and movie goer.