W64E The Best Rock Songs of All Time (Zoom; OLLI @ ASU)

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5:00 PM-6:30 PM EST on Th

W64E The Best Rock Songs of All Time (Zoom; OLLI @ ASU)

Zoom | Available (Membership Required)

Put some music fans in the same room and sooner or later, they will ask each other ‘what’s your favorite song?’ If we talk about Rock fans, there will be some choosing Smoke on the Water, others Bohemian Rhapsody, some Stairway to Heaven and many will have other choices. With audiovisuals, stories and anecdotes, let’s discuss what makes these songs great, the context when they became classics, the songwriters, the performers, their cultural significance and if they will keep resonating across time. From the 50s until today, there’s plenty of great music to talk about and let’s build our own top 100.

  • Emanuel Abramovits is a cultural manager and concert promoter based in Florida, with 25 years of professional experience organizing concerts by international artists in the US and South America. He served as the Cultural Director at UNION ISRAELITA DE CARACAS for eleven years and has been teaching/lecturing for many institutions for four years.

    *This registration item is ZOOM ONLY; there is not an in-person section of this course. It is offered and run by The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Arizona State University.*