504 Russian I

504 Russian I

Language | This program is completed

701 Briarcliff Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830 United States
Wednesday, February 7, 2024-Wednesday, April 24, 2024
1:00 PM-2:10 PM EDT on Wed

504 Russian I

Language | This program is completed

Russian (a highly inflected distant cousin of English) is the fifth most-widely spoken language in the world, the mother tongue of millions of people in a global power (the Russian Federation) spanning 9 time zones and 1/8 of the world’s surface, and by millions more in post-Soviet countries and a large diaspora.  It is the language of a rich literary tradition, as well as scientific and economic developments – and that’s without getting into its political importance.  This class is intended for those who know no Russian at all.  Learners who want a refresher course are welcome but should be aware that we’ll be starting at the very beginning.  Continuation courses are also offered, so check them in the catalog.  We will begin with the basics of the alphabet and pronunciation and continue with grammar and reading practice.  The emphasis will be in reading comprehension (and thus translation), but students will learn to speak and understand spoken Russian.  There will be homework, perhaps an hour or 90 minutes a week.

Karen Davis

Karen Davis worked for the federal government for 42 years. All of that time she was spent speaking or translating Russian or Ukrainian. For the last 12 years she has taught languages to DOD personnel. She scored 4s in reading on the Interagency Language Roundtable scale (near-native) in both languages.