Lois Lowry is known for her young adult writings spanning decades. She received two Newbery Awards for The Giver and Number the Stars.
Jonas’ world is perfect. It’s safe. Controlled. Without war or pain. Without color. Where every person is assigned a role in the community. At age 12, his “adult assignment” is to be keeper of the community’s memories from The Giver, the only person with memories of real pain and joy. As Jonas begins to experience these memories, he is faced with a decision: conform to society’s expectations or control his own destiny.
Regarding the book, Kirkus Reviews wrote:
“Wrought with admirable skill – the emptiness and menace underlying this Utopia,
emerge step by inexorable step: a richly provocative novel. Lowry creates a chilling,
tightly controlled future society where all controversy, pain, and choice have been
expunged, each childhood year has its privileges and responsibilities, and family
members are selected for compatibility.”
The themes of this play are mature and weighty: euthanasia; hypocrisy; suicide; and starvation. The title has been on the American Library Association’s 100 reported banned and challenged book list for three decades. The “talk back” discussion with the cast should provide insight into what they learned in the production.
Following the performance, we will travel to the Chop House on Kingston Pike to enjoy dinner on your own and perhaps continue the discussion.
Sunday, February 25, 1:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Bus leaves at 1:00 p.m. SHARP from the flagpole at the RSCC parking lot.
The trip leader will be Becky Rushton.
The trip charge of $90 includes transportation and admission. Dinner is on your own.
No refunds.
ORICL cell phone number is (865) 558-7413.