303 The Russian Revolution

303 The Russian Revolution

History | Registration opens 12/3/24 9:00 AM EST

701 Briarcliff Avenue Oak Ridge, TN 37830 United States
Thursday, March 20, 2025-Thursday, April 3, 2025
6:00 PM-7:10 PM EST on Th

303 The Russian Revolution

History | Registration opens 12/3/24 9:00 AM EST

In the middle of the first world war, one of the most impactful moments in history took place on a train ride. The passengers on this train were smuggled into an old-world imperial nation and changed it into the first communist power in history. How did all of this happen? Join us in exploring the Russian Revolution in all its tragedy.

David Adkins

David Adkins, a survivor of the University of Tennessee graduate program, is a historian who brings over a decade of classroom and public history experience with him.  Well versed in a wide variety of topics, he currently runs the Mercenary Historian YouTube channel that explores all the dusty corners of history both great and small.