403 Body Menders
Health, Wellness, Medici | Registration opens 12/3/24 9:00 AM EST
Body Menders is a fitness program designed for the older adult but meets the needs of everyone…the overweight, heart patients, the sedentary, the athlete, the diabetic and those recovering from illnesses or injuries. All classes offer a moderate approach, agility, flexibility, strength, circulation, reclaiming lost skills and comfort, improved balance and coordination. This class is designed to be done in and around a chair. Bands, weights and a soft foam ball are used to accomplish our goals.
Frances Gross
Frances Gross has exercise certifications in the following areas: Energizing Exercises, NDEITA (National Dance Instructor Association Jazz Dancercise), Instructors Training Clinic & choreo-aerobics – Georgia State University, Exemplary Certification Body Recall, Inc., Certified Trainer/Body Recall/Special Populations, Tennessee Elderhostel, Advanced FITOUR Pilates, and Yoga.